Tuesday, March 27, 2007

When We Were Young

When I was first married, money was scarce, so it became a Friday night ritual for my husband and me to go to the grocery store and stop for hamburgers. It wasn't too costly, but we enjoyed it and it was our only night out. On one particular Friday night as we were driving, I noticed my husband, Mason, sort of twitch. It was quick so I thought very little of it. We hadn't traveled very far when he, again, made the same twitch. It was like a jerking motion. I ignored that, too, until I noticed he was squirming in his seat. This time he had my attention. I kept quiet as I tried to figure out what was happening. He continued to squirm and then began to scratch - - just a little at first, but the scratching quickly escalated. The affected area seemed to be in the belly, groin, and backside. Finally, when I could stand it no longer, I asked what was wrong.

He didn't answer but continued to scratch and mumble under his breath. I so much wanted to laugh but reconsidered when I saw the look on his face. The squirming, twitching and itching reached a fever pitch when he seemed to lose all control. He finally yelled at me, "Jeanne, what the hell have you done to my underwear?" I was dumbstruck. What did he mean? He acted like a man possessed. The shopping center was fast approaching and he seemed to be on a mission to get to it. I believed that if he didn't stop the infernal scratching/twitching, we were going to have a wreck. He continued to yell at me - - "What did you do? What did you do?" I hadn't done anything and I became convinced that this man, this love of my life, had completely lost his mind.

It was at this point that he made a hard left turn into the shopping center. He drove through the lot with a vengeance where the road dead ended into a large bank of trees. He slammed on the brakes, throwing me forward. He jumped from the car and ran toward the trees. It was then that I was free to laugh openly. The laughter died suddenly when I saw him tearing at his clothes. He was no longer wearing his pants!! Just moments later I was stunned to see he was no longer wearing his underwear! He was as naked as the day he was born and he was scratching himself like a dog crazed with fleas. I dared not say anything, but I knew we were going to jail if any of the police who patrolled the lot caught sight of my naked husband. Suddenly, I lost sight of him as he ventured further into the bank of trees. I couldn't see him but I certainly could hear him. Oh my, could I hear him!

He was gone for no more than 15 minutes but it seemed like an eternity. At long last, he again came into view. He was wearing his slacks but I saw that the little bundle he had in his hand could only be his underwear! His face was set in an expression I'd never seen before or since. He got in the car, glared at me, and with one quick motion ripped open the front of his pants for me to see! There was an ugly, ugly rash covering every inch of flesh that the underwear had touched. There were also many blood-streaked marks where his nails had dug into his flesh. I dared not speak. I just looked.

He held his underwear in the air and asked if I noticed anything. Gee, I didn't see anything. I shook my head slowly back and forth. He just exploded - - "Do you know what is in these underwear? Do you have any idea what you have done?" I continued to move my head back and forth as if it was on a pivot. I thought and thought about that load of clothes and then, with a flash of insight, it hit me! "Oh, I know. I washed your underwear with some curtains." (Like I said, I was a relatively new wife and had never done laundry at home because my mother sent it out. I didn't know about sorting. I may have even washed the rugs with the sheets, for all I knew.)

Had his eyes been lasers, I would have been blinded. He was so angry. It was then that he said, "Do you know that those curtains are fiberglass?!!" I shrugged and said "So?" That one little word was the final straw, I supposed. With that, he started a tirade that lasted for hours. How was I supposed to know that fiberglass really meant glass! Geesh!!

We didn't get groceries that night. We didn't have a burger, either. Our only stop was to the dumpster where he threw his underwear. Upon our arrival home, I made myself scarce. I read a book and tried not to think of the evening's events. I believe things would have been fine if only, if only, he hadn't suddenly appeared before me naked and demanded that I find some kind of medication to put on "his area." Oh, how I tried to choke back the laughter as I looked at that raw, red welts. It was impossible and when my laughter started, I could not stop.

I don't recall how this story ended. I suppose in a way it continues even now. Mason gave reminders of the event repetitively over the 35 years of our marriage and now I've told you the story. So. . . the tale still continues.


Nancy said...

Jeanne, I have enjoyed reading your story - and the poems below. This is a great place to post things we might otherwise forget.

Witness said...

I saw your message on the EDM mail, and was happy to read your story. I loved it! I think I might try that to an unsuspecting recipient! Keep writing!

Robyn Sinclair said...

Jeanne - A very funny story well told. You have a lovely relaxed and economical writing style

platitudinal said...

Thank you for sharing your funny story, Jeanne. You're quite a story teller to keep all of us enthralled.

*I must say what a great guy your husband is ... to only give you laser eyes. :)

Carma said...

Very nice...heartwarming tale...
keep it up...

jill said...

hilarious, heartwarming, and heartbreaking all at the same time. here you were trying to do what you felt was the right thing, only to have it blow up in your face as if you knew you were doing wrong from the beginning!

those kinds of things are never forgotten, but obviously it has been forgiven. if you were in our family, though, no one would allow you to do their laundry and everyone would tease you about it until the day you died.

great job and great story to share. i have several true stories like that on my personal blog -- once where i thought i had a mouse in my purse while i was in church and one where i lost the big screen 65" tv out of the back of the truck. trust me, these things are never forgotten!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I'm sorry, but this was a very funny story indeed. I think everyobdy goes through something in their marriage like this that is never forgotten. At least by one spouse! Thanks for a great laugh.

Greg said...

Dear Jeanne,

I saw your post on EDM and starting reading through your blog, until I came to this story that had me laughing out loud! Thank you for sharing such a lively part of your life, I seriously needed a laugh, as things in my life have been rather hard.

When I was married my wife did not know how to cook, or do laundry. I was in the USAF and needless to say, that is not the place to learn how to iron or sew. I can remember standing in inspection on one particularly hot Sacramento day, 103 on the flightline, when the Two star general came to me, he asked me what was wrong with my uniform, was I trying to start a new trend??? I acted dumb by stating what do you mean sir, he then proceeded to pull me in front of the whole platoon, to show off my new uniform. My lovely bride had ironed my uniform at such a high heat that she turned my green fatigues into a nice brownish green, and the stripes which I thought she had sewn on, needless to say were not sewn, but she used some type of sewing glue, and the heat caused the stripes to start slowly drooping down the sleeve of my uniform. Needless to say I was the laughing stalk of the day, and boy did my wife hear about it when I got home. It still brings laughter into my heart to think about now.

Needless to say it was not her ironing or her sewing skills that caused our marriage to dissolve after 24 years, but it was her affair.

Quite a few years have gone by since the divorce and we still communicate because of our adult kids.

But again I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story, and I hope that my short story brought a smile to your face.

Merry Christmas,

Lorraine said...

being a great house wife, doesn't come with a book. I don't think I would have ever thought the curtains would have done that. But it is a cute story. We have one about the christmas tree, the meat loaf dish,etc. thanks for sharing

Serena Lewis said...

Hilarious post, Jeanne!